Telehealth - Physiotherapy from home

Did you know you can now access your physiotherapist from the comfort of your own home or while travelling!

It is a way for you to access the same high quality care online that you would for your usual in-person physiotherapy consultations. Telehealth has been proven to be an effective way to achieve positive outcomes in your rehabilitation journey, and what a better time to try it than now.

How does it work?

It is essentially a physiotherapy consultation via a safe and secure online platform for new and existing clients. Once you’ve booked your appointment with your preferred practitioner, we will send you a link to access a video call with your therapist.

All you will need is a stable internet connection, and your phone, laptop or computer (with a webcam). I would also consider having headphones on hand if you have a busy household!

What is covered during a Telehealth consultation?

Your physiotherapist will conduct a detailed history of your injury and symptoms, ask you any relevant questions and ask you to perform appropriate movement testing. This will give them all the information they need to provide you with a diagnosis. You will have the opportunity to ask questions along the way too.

By the time your session is up, you will have received education regarding your condition/injury, how to manage at home, along with a thorough individualised treatment plan! Short and long term goals would have been collaboratively set by yourself and your therapist.

Your treatment might involve a few home exercises… but do not worry, full video and written instructions are provided! Your progress will also be monitored by your physiotherapist and progressed over time.

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What can I do to make the session run smoothly?

  • Be ‘at your appointment’ 5 minutes before it is due to start, ready to click the link.

  • A quiet space is preferred for an uninterrupted consultation.

  • Set up your device with a full view of you, and the space around you.

  • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing - as your therapist will ask you to perform a few tests.

  • Clear the space around you as much as possible to allow for ample movement.

  • Turn on the light or open curtains to allow light into the room.

  • If you have any equipment at home, such as a massage ball, theraband or foam roller, please keep them on hand.

  • Provide your therapist with a ‘fun-fact’ of the day.

Other Telehealth Services:

  • Continuation of your usual care while interstate or overseas.

  • Women’s Wellness Consultations

  • Instructions on how to set up a home-office (ergonomic assessment of your ‘new’ work space)

  • MAT based exercises (1:1)

  • Strength and conditioning (1:1)

You can make your appointment by booking online here.

Telehealth FAQs