GLA:D - Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis

Exercise and Education program to manage Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis

GLA:D- from ‘Good Life with Arthritis In Denmark’

The Best First Treatment for Hip and Knee OA

GLA:D is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms. It was then brought to Australia in 2016 to help Australians with hip or knee osteoarthritis.

This education and exercise program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research. It also includes feedback from people with OA and trainers on what works in the real world to help patients manage OA symptoms.

Research from the GLA:D® program in Australia shows an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced need for pain medication, reduction in perceived need for surgery, and clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.

See our recent blog on GLA:D.

Our GLA:D Physiotherapists - Sam Glover and Alice Lindsay