GLA:D - A Better Alternative for Hip and Knee Arthritis

Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee is one of Australia’s leading causes of physical pain and functional limitations. It may start of as a niggle, and if you’re one of the fortunate ones it can stay that way. In others it can become a debilitating condition, keeping you from people and things that you love. A common perception is that a joint replacement is the end result. But what if I told you that there’s a proven alternative? Where should you go when the aches and pains start calling?

“If something hurts, it is causing damage right?” Wrong.

“I’ve been told it’s bone-on-bone… that can’t be good can it?” That’s a common misunderstanding.

“Is surgery my only hope now?” No.

One of the biggest issues facing sufferers of osteoarthritis (OA) is the confusion about what it is, and how to best manage it. There’s conflicting information everywhere, on the internet, TV shows, drug companies, well-intended health care professionals, and old wives’ tales that dominate the schooling around OA. Physiotherapists, doctors and researchers have a BIG job on their hands to help re-educate the public on the best management of OA.

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that affects a joint including the bones, cartilage, ligaments and surrounding muscles. It is often described as a wear and tear issue but is better described as a joint that is ‘working overtime’ trying to repair itself compared to others.

The GLA:D Research (Good Life with Osteoarthritis in Denmark) found that medication, rest, massage, and surgery were NOT the first line treatment methods for hip and knee OA.

Mind blown.

The best results shown to treat hip and knee arthritis as a first line defence goes like this:

  • Functional strengthening – targeting key muscle groups at the right dosage for every person.

  • Education – about arthritis, it’s symptoms and best management (you’re currently reading a big chunk of it, winning).

  • Weight loss – even losing a little can make a big difference. We are here to support you.

What do you mean by functional strengthening?

No, it does not mean getting bigger biceps, or tree trunks for thighs.

Functional strengthening targets essential muscles in a way that mimics daily activities or tasks. For example, getting up off a chair, and walking up and down stairs. Even doing some time on a stationary bike can be helpful to build cardiovascular fitness, and build strength that benefit arthritic hips and knees.

It helps to improve your ability to control movements to lead a healthy active life. Often, due to pain or stiffness moving well can be lost, making symptoms worse than what they need to be. The GLA:D program aims to help restore this movement!

The GLA:D Program Results speak for themselves

There are over 50 randomised controlled trials (a very good source of evidence) that have been proven that exercise is effective for arthritis of the hip and knee. Unfortunately, there as inconsistency with how the researchers described the actual exercises, and what the long-term benefits were. That’s when the GLA:D program was started to solve these mysteries. They came up with standardised exercises that were delivered by physiotherapists with specialised training, and measured in a consistent way!

They found that best results were obtained with an exercise program that lasts a minimum of six weeks. Each exercise session is an hour long and performed twice per week. Sessions need to include the key exercises to improve strength, movement quality and confidence in your hip or knee. Education is the cherry on top and can’t be left out.

As time goes on the evidence only gets stronger, as more and more physiotherapists and researchers expand the program across the globe. They are now using the data to help inform policy makers and to educate health professionals and the wider community. Wives’ tales will be no more.

The proof is in the pudding. With the data of 18,000 + patients, the results speak for themselves.

A year after starting the GLA:D program OA sufferers reported:

  • A 32% reduction in pain (that’s pretty big for a chronic injury)

  • Decreased use of medication

  • Less sick leave was taken

  • They got stronger

  • High satisfaction scores

Reload Physio has been performing the GLA:D program for nearly two years and our patients have had some pretty amazing outcomes. Some have postponed their up-coming surgeries, others dusting off their well-loved hiking boots, while some reduced the need to be up throughout the night due to pain.

We have physios trained in the GLA:D program who are already implementing the world’s best functional arthritis management. If you’d like to join the growing team of Brunswick locals who’ve already found an alternative to medication and surgery, give us a call to arrange a session. Or alternatively, get in touch to find out more information.

In the meantime, have a listen to one of GLA:D’s founders, Prof Ewa Roos:


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