COVID-19- What we are doing, how you can help at Reload Physio
An update by Owner Marcus on everything that is being done by Reload Physio during the Coronavirus outbreak. The practice is open, we are closely following all of the recommendations to minimise the risk of transmission. We have expectations of all of our clients attending the practice and we we have our own ‘Reload COVID-19 Stimulus Package’ specials.
I would love to say it’s ‘Business as Usual’ at Reload Physio, but it is ‘Business, same but Cleaner than usual… and quieter!’
Well these are unprecedented time with this virus sweeping the globe. This blog is not going to educate you about the virus or the importance of good hygiene, how to sneeze and social distancing etc etc, that information can be found on almost every other website… I would like to inform you of everything that we are doing to minimise the risk of infection in our practice, what we ask of you, and the real effects that this is having on all small businesses across the land.
Business as usual
At Reload Physio we have always had a clean and hygienic practice, but we have dialled up our hygiene practices by a multitude of about 10!
So here goes…
We are asking every clients to wash their hands with Alco wash on entry and exit of our practice (we even have instructions about how to wash your hands effectively)
We are doing the same before and after every client… not sure how long the hand wash supplies will last but we will be sticking to this as long as we can.
We are cleaning all communal equipment - phones, keyboards, chairs, Eftpos terminals, door handles and everything else you can think of regularly.
All gym equipment is being wiped down regularly. Every class attendee is being given Alco wipes to wash their equipment at the end of each class.
All clients are requested to bring their own drink bottle, sweat towel, and grip socks to class - we have significantly discounted grip socks - 40% off if you forget or don’t have any!
We have removed the bed sheets from all treatment tables - so we can clean the beds after each and every client.
We have removed all waiting room cushions and cushions on the ‘client chairs’ in the treatment rooms - hard surfaces are easy to wipe down, soft are not so easy.
We are trying to encourage everyone to pay by card… how many germs are on cash? You can enter or tap your own card too!
We have multiple “cleaning stations” throughout the practice.
We have separated our Pilates equipment further - social distancing.
We are reducing the maximum amount of participants in our classes to also allow greater distancing.
So what else are we doing?
Telehealth consultations are going live.
What is telehealth? Let's be real, it is a glorified word for a ‘Skype call’ , It is an opportunity for someone who cannot attend the practice to still pick our brains for info, we can offer a comprehensive questioning session, make a preliminary diagnosis (without doing any hands-on testing we are a little limited), we can then provide exercises, look at your technique of those exercises, and prescribe more progressions or variations for the next step of your progression. We do these Telehealth consults through our Physitrack software where we can share the exercises and videos too, all encrypted and all linked to your clinical file. (so not exactly just a skype call- somewhat better!).
But you can’t massage me so it wouldn’t be worth it! This is a challenge we face daily- many clients put most value on the 'hands-on’ treatment that we provide, and the reality is that the most valuable part of Physio is the advice, exercise and guidance that we share with you. In most occasions, injuries heal themselves if we give them the right environment, stimulus, restrictions and also progressions for mother nature to do her thing!
How do you book? Call the practice or book online though the button below. If you require a Telehealth consultation for something we havent seen before, then book an Initial Telehealth Consultation. If we have seen you before for this problem, either in the practice or a previous Telehealth consultation, then a shorter Telehealth Review Consultation is adequate.
What can you do for us?
Most importantly, if you’re sick, contact us and let us know so we can reschedule you for a few days (or 14 days) later.
Don’t arrive too early for your appointment- a crowded waiting area is not great at this time. Wait in your car if needed.
Wash your hands when you arrive.
Don’t cancel your appointment if you are well- we are still here for you
Tell other people that we are still here... and Awesome.
Book multiple appointments or classes ahead.
If your gym is closed, talk to us about whether our services and facilities could be a temporary alternative.
If you are in Isolation, or we all go into isolation, jump back on the Reload bandwagon as soon as you can afterwards.
Don’t hesitate to contact us on hello@reload.physio if you have any questions or need any support throughout this tough period. Attention it to Marcus if required.
We are also offering some great service packages… We hope you can see the humour in the Name…
The Reload Physio COVID19 Stimulus Packages!
Physio Massage
5x Physio Massage @ 15% off
10x Physio Massage @20% off
Physio Consultations
5x Std Consults @10% off (incl 1x Free Telehealth Consult if required)
10x Std Consults @ 20% off (incl 3x Free Telehealth Consults if required)
5x Extended Consults @ 15% off (incl 2x Free Telehealth Consults if required)
20x class pack (any class) @25% off
20x any service @ 25% off
Vouchers for the future!
Vouchers - all 20% off - BUT Valid from May 2020-May 2021 (NOT valid for the next 6 weeks)
Self Treatment Stock Packages (while stocks last)
Self Relief Package 30% off
Spikey Ball or Myofascial ball + Stick On Heat Patch x3 + Tube of Fisiocrem + Short Foam roller or BakBalls
Self Rehab Package 30% off
1x Loopband + 2x Theraband or Theratube length (different resistances) + Pilates Ball + Pilates Socks
Yes, big discounts, but this stimulus is for both your health and our cashflow for the weeks and months ahead- you win-we win!!
Why are we doing these packages?
Anyone who has any accounting or business knowledge understands that the benefit of our clients buying these packages is the positive cashflow for our business. We are not shying away from the facts that we are quite likely to have to close our practice for a period of time, and upon return, there is quite likely to be an economy like we have not seen in my lifetime. Reload Physio is a small business that employs 14 people, who all rely on the income from this practice, from our clients- you, to meet their own financial obligations. Some staff have kids, some have mortgages, all have financial obligations of some sort and without income coming into the practice, we are sitting on a very shaky ground. I have full confidence that Reload Physio will get through this because we have a great team who are committed to work together, we have a great community that supports us as we support them. Community is one of our Core Values- ‘We will make our Community Better’.
In 16 years of owning the practice, we had never closed our practice for more than a long weekend or public holiday period etc, until January 2020 when we very nervously closed for 7 working days for our amazing renovation! Now 6 weeks later couldn’t be a worse time to have to do this again but sometimes life throws you a curveball (or a cannon in this case!!). Paying staff without generating income is tough, (my biggest understatement of this decade so far!!) so having to close for a longer period will even be more challenging. Any assistance from our community to assist with this cashflow over the coming weeks or months may help pay for nappies or mortgage or loaf of bread.
We welcome your ideas about how we can assist our community even more during this period, either remotely or in clinic or face to face while still possible.
He hope to see you in the practice soon, stay hygienic, stay healthy and look after those at high risk.
Marcus, Melissa and the Reload Team x
Coburg Leisure Centre is now closed until the end of March (at least), so bookings cannot be made for Coburg until we have confirmation that the facility is re-opening.